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Medical is one of the most professional pharmaceutical companies that focus on improving health care in addition to keeping pace with the changes that occur in all local and international markets. It is a company with a solid structure consisting of employees with extensive experience, who are constantly developing and improving at the professional level. Always to provide the best service that meets the needs of the market and our customers .. We work continuously to improve the lifestyle by providing and providing high-quality products: We truly believe that our talent is our biggest competitive advantage. We continue to maintain the highest level by relying on organizational performance, talents and creative thought.

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Medicines for blood products

Medicines for blood products

Vitavirol This nutritional supplement contains iron, vitamin C, vitamin B9, manganese, vitamin B12, pyridoxine, dexpanthenol, vitamin B1, vitamin B2. Iron is a number of iron formulations used to compensate and prevent iron deficiency resulting from malabsorption, anemia, menorrhagia. Vitamin C is an organic compound used in the treatment of scurvy (Barlow’s disease), which is a weakening of the capillaries.

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Antibiotics disrupt important vital functions in harmful strains of bacteria, to eliminate or stop the bacteria from working and reproducing normally, and this helps the immune system to fight infection and inflammation.

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Dermatology Medicines

Dermatology Medicines

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Gastrointestinal drugs

Gastrointestinal drugs

It is also sometimes used for indigestion without an ulcer, but evidence of benefit is uncertain. The best time to give antacids is when symptoms occur and are expected

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Pharmacovigilance is the science and special activities (to monitor, assess, understand and prevent) harm caused by drugs and any other problems associated with drugs. They are the damages associated with the use and handling of the medicine, some of them are possible and some of them are rare, and some of them are serious, which causes death, disability, permanent impairment or medical intervention and hospitalization

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The new plant is characterized by the existence of a separate production line dedicated to the production of penicillin preparations (beta-lactam) in all its pharmaceutical forms to serve all pharmaceutical companies in Egypt and is the most recent of its kind in the Middle East.

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